POLITYKA's CSR White Leaf for SumiRiko Poland

POLITYKA's CSR White Leaf for SumiRiko Poland

In this year's, tenth edition of the POLITYKA's CSR Leaves Awards, 124 companies took part while the awards went to 92 companies. We are very honoured to be included in the group of awarded companies with the White Leaf as a company that meets high criteria in the area of sustainable development and responsible business. Awards were given to companies that implement significant actions in the field of social involvement as well as local community development and companies that improve their actions to effectively manage their impact on the environment.


Since ten years, the standard among Polish companies participating in the list of POLITYKA CSR Leaves is the implementation of integrated management models, such as quality, employee safety and formalization of the approach to personnel management, as well as the approach to ethical issues in the company.

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