Contribution for local society
SumiRiko Poland corporate citizen policy:
“We recognize that the SumiRiko Poland is an integral part of the communities where it operates and, as a good corporate citizen, should cultivate harmonious relationships with communities through corporate citizenship activities that benefit society.”
Create value through corporate citizenship activities, which are investments to the socjety that leads to enhancement of corporate value
- We address our activities first of all to the local community of the town where the facility is located.
- We prioritise cooperation and joint activities with the local community - not just the donation itself.
- We take actions that respond to the challenges facing the community.
- We involve of all employees.
5 Priorities
- promoting diversity
- contributing to the education and development of children and young people,
- contributing to a safe and secure society
- supporting civic initiatives
- promoting coexistence with the environment.
2 Activities Fields
- Activities addressing social issues that create value both for the society and the Company
- Employee participation in voluntary activities
Our activities
" With your own eyes" - workshops with the Polish Association of the Blind, Olkusz branch.
We organised workshops for employees as part of our diversity policy in order to raise participants' awareness of the needs of people with disabilities. We also conduct this type of workshop for pupils of primary schools.
Japanese Culture Day
As a company with Japanese capital we try to bring the culture of the cherry blossom closer to our community. In cooperation with the Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology in Krakow we organize "Japanese Culture Day" for pupils from Wolbrom's primary schools. The event includes a presentation of the culture and history of Japan, an origami workshop as well as a presentation of the kimono-Japanese traditional dress. Since 2007 almost 900 participants from social institutions, schools and kindergartens in the Olkusz and Sanok counties took part in our workshops.