
Why join SumiRiko Poland?

SumiRiko Poland is a part of the Sumitomo Riko Group, a leading manufacturer of automotive parts. In our factories in Wolbrom and Zagórz, we produce anti-vibration and sound proof parts for major Japanese and European carmakers.

We guarantee a safe workplace by complying with all safety standards and requirements - at every position and for every employee. We also offer the possibility to raise your vocational qualifications - because we know that the development of our company depends on the knowledge and skills of our employees. A job at our company will offer you diverse opportunities for personal and professional development.

We also offer welfare program for employees, such as a Christmas bonus, annual integration events, rental of sports facilities and cultural events. We also promote a healthy life style among employees - we conduct various disease prevention activities.

Recruitment process


If you are interested in working in Wolbrom send application to:

In you are interested in working in Zagórz (near Sanok) send application to:

Submit application to above mentioned addresses

Your application will be registered in our data base

In case occurrence of vacancies, HR dept. will contact the candidates, whose experiences and skills are meeting with requirements for the job position to invite to an interview.

During the interview you will be asked about your work experience and reasons for joining SumiRiko Poland.

In the case of interviews for production line operators, additionally we will conduct tests to check basic manual skills and the ability of logical thinking.

After analysis and evaluation of result of interview and test, a decision will be made.

Candidates will be informed of the decision.


Due to the legal requirements in Poland, please include following statement in your application (in Polish language):

„Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez SumiRiko Poland Sp. z o.o. w celu przedstawiania mi ofert zatrudnienia, zgodnie z przepisami ustawy z 29. 08. 1997 o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz.U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 z póź. zm.). Przyjmuję do wiadomości, że przysługuje mi prawo wglądu do treści moich danych oraz ich poprawiania."

We will not accept an application without above statement.

Thank you for your enquiry and all your applications, we would like to inform you that we will contact only candidates who have been selected.

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